
Monday, November 4, 2013

Along for the drive....

Yet again, another month passed between posts! Oh's been a BUSY month!

For awhile now, I have been missing my financial independence and wanting to earn some money on the side. If not for anything else, I want to be able to buy my husband his birthday and Christmas presents without him indirectly paying for it! Oh the problems of a house wife! Sucks when he can see how much he just paid for his own gifts, kind of takes away from it all.

I have a lot of friends that do scentsy, Advocare, etc...I was actually looking into participating and something was holding me back. So, I held back and decided I'd wait a bit, see if anything happens, pray about it and best friend Brittany called me and told me her and her sister in law just signed up to be a Rodan + Fields Consultant and she wanted me to join. I didn't jump on board immediately b/c I like to do some research and being married to a finance major who runs a business...I KNEW I would have to present research, numbers, facts, projections. Clearly, I have tons of experience with this, since I was a history teacher....(SARCASM)! I did what I could and I barely got past "and it come with a 60 day money back guarantee, if I decide it's not for me, I can't do it, etc, I get EVERYTHING back," before Zach said "just do it!"    Ummmmm....EXCUSE ME?! I had all these facts and figures ready and I didn't even get to use them! That's the same as writing a research paper and then the teacher saying it's only worth .5% of your overall grade....WTHECK?!

These were my arguement points:
-60 day money back...I have a chance to prove myself without losing money.
-Make my own hours and work as much or as little as I want
-I get to actually use the products
-No stock piling inventory
-No hosting parties or asking friends to host them, unless you want to
-It's already a name brand (these are the doctors that developed ProActive), I'm not having to brand build             and explain that on top of explaining the products!
-There are only a little more than 30k consultants for this brand in the US. The market isn't even open to
       Canada or Asia yet, this is basically, the ground floor!
-Many opportunities to earn income and goals are actually reachable

I called Brittany back and here we were in business. I kid you not, it took 2, TWO, DOS facebook posts about this and within 1 day, I literally had 15 people wanting to know more about the business or the product, or both! I didn't believe it when I heard how easy it was. I'm currently on week 2 and have already made 1/2 my investment back and still have lots more to do!

I'll be 100% honest. After I signed up to do this, I woke up the next morning with a tightness in my chest and thinking: "what did I just do?" My brain eventually woke up and reminding me that I had 60 days and could get my money back...what comfort, you really can't fail unless you do NOTHING and then don't send the product back!

I was a bit leery of the 'pyramid' pay but it works and technically, isn't every company set up like a pyramid? CEO on top, executives underneath that, sales persons under that? Same thing, no biggie! I got over that really quick when I saw all the opportunities for earning money. Seriously, around every corner...that and....the pyramid has to work or there wouldn't be so many gray haired old ladies driving those pink caddies! Ya know? BONUS with this company, they do a car incentive but with LEXUS! That's what I'm talking about...well, after an H1 Hummer! DROOOOOOLLLLLIIINNNNGGGG!!!

Ok, so, that was the business side! Now, lets talk product! 
My skin is usually oily in the T-zone area, dry otherwise, I break out on my chin all the time, have acne scaring, sun damage spots b/c I tanned way too much in high school, and I have the mommy forehead wrinkle! Needless to say...I have a NEED for all the skin care lines! 

The results seem too good to be true but they seriously aren't! I knew the products would work but I had no idea how quickly! Here is my personal before and after of my chin...5 Days!!!!

This is the other magic R+F product that I will swear by
The MACRO EXFOLIATOR!!  After using this, just once, I didn't even need to use this primer before I put on my make up...however, I will warn you, once you use this, your hand will instantly be attracted to your face! Seriously, so soft! 

I have tried just about everything that came in my business kit and NOTHING has done anything less than amaze me! 

Now that we're at the end...why am I writing this post?! Because....these products are amazing and beyond reasonably priced, especially compared to the Dr RX! Let's not even talk about how much one facial or session of micro dermabrasion costs! It's so hard to find a product that works and that is my #1 reason for sharing this, these products actually work and if for some reason, you don't like them, you can return them within 60 days! Take that! BAM!

With that being said: If you have any questions about the products or business, DO NOT hesitate to contact me! I mean this! to get some beauty sleep! 

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