1) I have NEVER been to a bible study so I have no idea what to do besides, study the bible! I'm actually attending my first one tonight and I couldn't be more excited! Did you know Jesus had a brother?! Cool right...had no idea! Planning to learn a lot!
2) I wanted to start this WAY before now but as I was figuring out what route I wanted to go with it, I kept getting confused. So, I stopped to pray about it and think about my God given skill and realized that I didn't want to do what most bible studies did (so I've heard), where everybody is assigned a book and then you analyze it and so on. I came to the conclusion that I'm a teacher...A history, geography and government teacher! That is what I'm good at, making sense of history, using maps and other visuals to make words come to life and I'm really good at researching...so, here is my God given talent!
3) I literally want to study the bible! I want to provide details and after that, everybody else fill in the spiritual part. Of course that is the most important but I want to provide the things that make the stories easy to remember, to give information to make everything make sense. Personally, it is so hard for me to read the bible b/c I get lost QUICK! Places are mentioned and I have no idea where they are located/were located, so I want to provide maps and comparisons to today with those maps. So many names are mentioned in the Bible and it is so hard to follow and keep them all straight, I want to provide background info on those main people; date of birth/death, occupation, spouse, children, etc...making them REAL! I also want to provide historical info about the times of these people, what events were taking place, what was 'common', were wars happening, etc...I truly want to make sense of the bible for people like me that need the visuals to follow along and to understand.
4) I'm NOT even close to being qualified to preach the contents of the Bible (I'm probably not even the best resource for teaching the details about the Bible but I know I can provide some info that will be useful!). So, I won't be preaching, I'll leave that to the ministers but at least when you hear certain names/places/etc, you'll have a foundation and that, is something I desperately NEED and I'm excited to share! I will give a forewarning, I DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING and NOR WILL I ACT LIKE I DO! I will GUARANTEE that I will mess something up at some point or I will miss something...I'm also learning while doing this and I will be more than happy to accept corrections b/c that will help me grow too!
5) Ideally, I would love to do a post a week but after starting out with ABRAHAM and all the research it has taken, it might be 2 weeks but I will do my best. I'd rather have quality than quantity so if there is a huge gap in time without a post, please know that it is b/c I don't just want to put junk on here and something is in the works!
6) I won't always know the direction, person, event I'm going with so PLEASE send me topics or people you want me to discuss! Help me and let's do this together! I'm really excited about this and have taken the 'teacher' approach, "Here is the information but still there is reading to do on your part and we are all here to learn together!"
7) The first topic I will be posting this week is about ABRAHAM! It will be a 2 part-er (maybe 3). First part will be about who Abraham is, spouse, childhood, children, siblings, location...the foundation and basics.
The second part will make sense of the childhood Sunday school song, Father Abraham had many sons and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. I plan to do a whole geneology tree of Abraham and how Islam and Christianity branched out from him.
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